Independent Advisors

Helping Independent Advisors Serve Their Clients

As an independent firm, you offer clients a valuable alternative to the Wall Street banks and public enterprises. We understand that value, and seek to protect and promote it as your caring advocate.

With Jordan Creek Financial Solutions, you have the ability to maintain true independence while getting the support and resources you need to run your office in a way that best supports your clients. We’re aligned with Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., one of the largest independent broker-dealers in the country. With Cambridge, you receive the world-class resources and freedom of choice that comes with a larger firm. With Jordan Creek, you receive the one-on-one guidance and personal advocacy that comes from a close-knit supervisory relationship.

We seek to support you in doing what you do best – serving your clients.

Ready to Receive Superior Support?

Solutions for Independent Advisors

Fee-based Resources

Want to do more for your clients under a fee-based engagement, but unsure where to start? Leave it to us! We’ll take you through a step-by-step process that focuses on changing your practice to support fees, while remaining compliant throughout.

Advisor Support

Our team has decades of experience navigating the advisor/financial institution relationship. We will provide real value and have the expertise to get things right the first time.

Succession Planning

What will happen to your practice when you retire, or if an unforeseen event limits your ability to work? We can help you develop succession/continuity plans with likeminded advisors to ensure your clients are taken care of and your business is protected.

Copyright © 2025
Jordan Creek Financial Solutions